Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Act 1: Scene 5: Helping rich people get richer

'Its like the more money we come across, the more problems we see'

- Notorious B.I.G & Diddy (aka P. Diddy, aka Puff Daddy, aka Sean "Puffy" Combs)

Africa is a continent of contradictions; the birthplace of mankind and the play ground of disease and despair. Tens of thousands of humanitarian workers have given up the material trappings of an ordinary Western corporate life in order to improve the lives of helpless Africans. Whether through churches, celebrity baby adoptions or luxury tented safaris, almost everyone has played a part to alleviate poverty. Everyone, that is, except me. I chose the path less taken and dedicated two years of my life to helping the unlikeliest of Africans in despair. I chose to help the 0.000001% of Africans who needed a wealth manager to ease the pain of being of an ultra high net worth individual.

                                                                         So what should I do with the other $10 million?

As a result of my time volunteering with the mass affluent, I learned many valuable lessons. It is with great pleasure I present to you three secret gems of wisdom acquired from this era:

1. Rich people don't share secrets gems of wisdom 

I believe the only reason I became a wealth manager was to expose myself to whatever infection made rich people get  richer by just breathing. This may be puzzling to hear as I imagine my earlier identification as a wealth manager may have led you to believe that I was the reason my clients became rich. Not quite. I was only the reason my clients were able to monitor, in real time, just how rich they were. In order to understand the puzzle, you first have to understand how the majority of third world ultra high net worth individuals came to be:

A. Friend of the President
Rich because you are the only person legally allowed to do whatever you do in the country

B. Enemy of the state
Rich because you serve the state and pay yourself by robbing your employer

C. Prince-ling
Rich because your ancestors fall into category A or B

As you can tell, it didn't take a genius to uncover the secret behind campaign contributions. However it certainly required wealth management expertise to create the most tax efficient structure to shelter the windfall.

                                                                       Friends with benefits: I will make you into a titan of industry

2. Suit yourself: why rich people sometimes dress like the help and vice versa

Whenever I identified myself as a wealth manager, I often saw a twinkle in the eye of the employed masses who somehow thought I possessed the keys to the kingdom of Forbes 400. Cocktail events were never the same as all conversations would invariably follow this pattern:

Cocktail Guest: So what do you do in Mega Bank Corp?
Tendo Money: I am a wealth manager
Cocktail Guest: Let's be friends

I imagined that it was the tailored suits and fitted shirts that helped me acquire numerous 'friends' and expand my networking circles. Conventional wisdom in our profession recommended that a wealth manager should dress like money. The dodgy rationale being that if we looked like we didn't personally need money, then the moneyed prospects would trust us like one of their own. In truth, we resembled impeccably dressed butlers serving care-free masters. This lesson was imparted to me by a client whom I chose to call the Maverick. The Maverick openly expressed his distrust for slick, sugar-tongued banker types. As a self-made millionaire who never went to university, he had no time for suits. Literally. He made it a point to wear paint-stained jeans to every meeting we organized and the only time he wore a suit was on the occasion of his son's graduation. The day before the ceremony he went to a good Samaritan thrift store and bought a $20 suit. Like a savvy investor, after the ceremony he returned the suit to the store and promptly picked up his cash. He knew better than to waste good money wearing a bad suit.

                                                                                I dress better than you- why won't you call me friend?

3.  Its all in the approach: what chasing hot girls taught me about acquiring rich clients

Hot girls: Young and gorgeous- men worship the ground they walk on

Rich people: Middle aged and pot bellied- men worship the ground they walk on

If you have ever seen a hot girl being pursued, you will always notice a herd of suitors trying variations around the same themed approach. This approach will primarily involve a level of attention that would puzzle a stalker.

If you ever pitch a rich person for his business, he will tell you that he has 5 other banks who have promised him even better rates, lower costs and heightened levels of personal service.

What is the commonality here? Hot girls and rich people always go for those who pay them little to no attention. I am not a psychologist but reverse psychology works like a charm. I called it the non-pitch pitch. I would meet a prospect and talk about anything and everything other than what I did for a living. Befuddled by this indirect approach, the rich prospect would ask me what I did for Mega Bank Corp, I would tell them I was a wealth manager and then proceed to talk about golf/weather/politics. The conversation would end as follows:

Rich prospect: Listen Tendo, lets meet up another time and you can tell me what you can do for me as a wealth manager
Tendo Money: Yeah, sure. Whatever
Rich prospect: Call me, maybe

Like a teenage romance, its totally not cool to lose your calm even when all you desire is right in front of you. Hot girls and rich people always fall for that.


Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Welcome to Crack Rock: Escalation Empire

"Amen' is like the Send button on an e-mail" - Steve Toltz

 When I was a young banker I dreamed of many things: a hot girlfriend, a fast car and a sleek blackberry. The blackberry was to bankers what I imagine crack cocaine is to addicts: to die for.

                                                                  You can't shoot this up but it do feel good though

However my needs for a blackberry were purely limited to the show factor of nonchalantly placing it on the table while having drinks with my friends. I was shallow. I was young.

I began to loathe my accessibility once they handed me the keys to the kingdom in the form of my very own crackberry. As any self respecting addict will tell you: crack is wack.

Legend has it that the following blackberry e-mail conversation once occurred within the servers of Mega Bank Corp.


From: Beast, Blackberry
Sent: Monday 5.33 pm
To: Tendo, Young
Subject: Important

Please come by my desk and pick up the client document. I need this to be photocopied.


From: Tendo, Young
Sent: Monday 5.35 pm
To: Beast, Blackberry
Subject: Re: Important

Kindly ask someone else to do this work as I am already tasked on some other work


From: Beast, Blackberry
Sent: Monday 5.37 pm
To: Tendo, Young
Subject: Re: Important

I don't see you on your desk Tendo. Have you left the office?


From: Tendo, Young
Sent: Monday 5.39 pm
To: Beast, Blackberry
Subject: Re: Important

I am in the toilet.

From: Beast, Blackberry
Sent: Monday 6.20 pm
To: Tendo, Young
Subject: Re: Important

I don't think you're in the toilet. Its almost been an hour and I checked all the bathroom stalls. Where are you?

From: Tendo, Young
Sent: Monday 6.25 pm
To: Beast, Blackberry
Subject: Re: Important

I was home. In my own toilet.


From: Beast, Blackberry
Sent: Monday 6.31 pm
To: Manager, Immediate
Subject: FW: Re: Important

Immediate Manager,

I am sorry to have to escalate this incident to you but I believe that Young Tendo is not familiar with his job responsibilities and I am encountering a significant amount of push back on tasks that I have assigned to him.
I believe that since you are his immediate manager, this is a potential performance appraisal issue.

From: Manager, Immediate
Sent: Monday 6.52 pm
To: Tendo, Young
Subject: FW: FW: Re: Important

Young Tendo,

FYA. See below. What is this all about?


From: Tendo, Young
Sent: Monday 7.00 pm
To: Manager, Immediate
Subject: Re: FW: FW: Re: Important


Good evening. I regret that Blackberry Beast has involved you in a petty incident. This situation is more than it appears to be. He told me (offline) that I am mismanaged by you. I think he may have some power assumption issues.

I feel so lucky to be managed by you and hope that God would speed you into the highest levels of office.

Please let me know if there is any work I can help you with tonight because I don't plan to sleep. I work at your pleasure.

Also, can I perhaps bring you a cafe latte tomorrow morning? It would please me greatly.

Thank you Sir once again

                                                      Sir, I think I can see my face in your feet. Thank you for the opportunity.

From: Manager, Immediate
Sent: Monday 7.15 pm
To: Beast, Blackberry
CC: Tendo, Young
Subject: Re: FW: Re: Important

Blackberry Beast,

I think you need to spend less time looking for my immediate reports and more time focused on your own work. Why wasn't your task assigned to one of our summer sandbags?
Perhaps you need a refresher session on Leadership 1 Training.


Immediate Manager

From: Beast, Blackberry
Sent: Monday 7.42 pm
To: Head, Department
Subject: FW: Re: FW: Re: Important

Good evening Department Head,

First, I would like to profusely apologize for interrupting your evening. You have been a great mentor to me and I am forever grateful for your having nominated me to attend Leadership 1 Training. I really believe that if I just keep my eyes on the ball and follow your sage advice, I will one day be able to achieve perhaps half of your  career achievements. I am in amazement at the example that you have set for both women and people of color in this bank.

I recall during our end of year discussion that you asked me to keep an eye out on emerging issues within the greater team. I believe that there are certain members of the mid management team who do not follow your management style and this could jeopardize this year's revenue target. Forgive me for being so blunt but case in point is Immediate Manager. He has frustrated my ability to generate revenue by not allowing me to utilize his direct reports. I think he may feel that I threaten his hold on his current position.

Kindly advise the way forward.

Thanks once again


                                                                   We forgot to highlight our culture during orientation

From: Head, Department
Sent: Monday 8.30 pm
To: Manager, Immediate
Subject: Re: FW: Re: Important

Immediate Manager,

I have just been alerted to the situation. I am disappointed in your handling of this situation and this will certainly impact your year end assessment. As you are aware from previous discussions, Blackberry Beast is one of our upcoming high potential managers and I expect you to offer your unconditional support in all that he does.

I will discuss this further with you tomorrow.


From: Manager, Immediate
Sent: Monday 9.05 pm
To: Head, Business Unit
Subject: FW: Re: FW: Re: Important

Business Unit Head,

Good evening Sir. Trust that all is well. I am going to cut to the chase here. Two years ago, you promised me that Department Head was just a diversity hire and that I should sit tight because in two years she would be gone and I would be rightly promoted.

Can we please schedule a chat tomorrow to discuss my career opportunities because I am unable to work in an environment of incompetence brought on by our diversity hire requirements.

Thank you Sir.

From: Head, Business Unit
Sent: Monday 9.45 pm
To: Manager, Immediate
Subject: Re: FW: Re: FW: Re: Important

I got this bro! You just sit tight. I never forgot that I owed you one for being a good soldier when HR twisted my hand into promoting department head.


From: Head, Business Unit
Sent: Monday 9.46 pm
To: Head, Human Resources
Subject: Re: FW: Re: Important

Human Resources Head

Department head is no longer a good fit for us as she is clearly unable to manage a situation without resorting to threats. This is not what you promised me when you recommended her. I am thinking Asia Pacific could be a good region to send her to.

I have 15 minutes free for a discussion at 10 am tomorrow. Come down to my office with a list of job openings because I cannot have that woman in my team by year end.

From: Head, Human Resources
Sent: Monday 10.30 pm
Subject: FW: Re: FW: Re: Important


Hope you enjoyed your midday 18 hole round of golf today! Just a quick one before you get into the office tomorrow. We really need to talk about how business unit head is bullying staff. I don't like the tone in his e-mail and i feel threatened if I dare raise my voice.

P.S. Let me know if you want me to teach you how to improve your swing. I have definitely got a loose 6 hours whenever you want.


From: CEO
Sent: Monday 11.01 pm
To: 1, Godfather
Subject: Re: FW: Re: FW: Re: Important

Godfather 1

Its getting impossible to handle business unit head. He is acting like the de facto head of this country operation making me look like a minister without a portfolio.

Kindly advise.

From: 1, Godfather
Sent: Monday 11.29 pm
To: Head, Business Unit
Subject: FW: Re: FW: Re: Important

Business Unit Head

What the hell is going on down there? I thought I told you to sit tight and I would make you CEO at the end of this year. Don't get ahead of yourself kid! Now be a good boy and play nice.

I am going to send out a general e-mail to country staff.


From: 1, Godfather
Sent: Monday 11.30 pm
Subject: Team work


I would first like to congratulate you for an incredible performance last year. This was in no small part due to your amazing show of team work.

You work in one of the greatest organisations in the country where colleagues see each other as family. Families are happy places where our diversity is recognized and encouraged. We may be different but we are united by our similarities.
Whenever I visit your country, I am always overwhelmed by the stories of colleagues going out of their way for each other and this makes me believe that our future is extremely bright.

Please keep up the teamwork and I promise you that by year end, we will have plenty of developments and movement of key staff to bigger and better opportunities.


Godfather 1

From: Beast, Blackberry
Sent: Monday 11.59 pm
To: Tendo, Young
Subject: FW: Teamwork


I hope you read that e-mail from the big man. In the spirit of teamwork I still need you to make those photocopies first thing in the morning.

P.S. Use the toilet before work starts

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Act 1 Scene 4: Boredom in Babylon


- Any bored teenager, anywhere in the anglophone world

I once heard someone compare bankers to teenagers. To understand the comparison, I invite you to observe the species (banker brat) around bonus announcement/promotion day. Whatever you do, don't threaten a bankers sense of entitlement over status and pay. You may observe a Jekyll and Hyde moment.

I was no exception to the teenager syndrome and this illness struck me at the height of my good fortune as a banker. Life couldn't have been any better and I was so bored in Babylon. During this time I felt as though I were having a debate with three different sides of me.

Yes, I said three different sides of me.

I present to you the great debate of boredom between me, myself and I that occurred over a period of 21 months at the apex of my banking career.

Month 1: Mid cycle Salary re-fit (technical term for randomly bringing your salary up to market average)

Me: Wow! I just got an 89% salary increase. Damn it feels good to be a banker!
Myself: What is that in dollars? I need to remain internationally competitive
I: You mean these **@*** were underpaying me 89% compared to market?!!


Month 2: Relocation back to my country of birth

Me: OMG. How exciting!
Myself: I hope this comes with fat benefits
I: But its not like you're moving to New York

Month 3: Additional 11% salary increase

Me: I am feeling so blessed with a 100% salary increase within three months
Myself: But its not like I am earning in US dollars
I: These **@** should have been paying me this last year

Month 4: Promotion to Assistant Vice President (AVP)

Me: I can't believe I made AVP by the age of 26
Myself: So maybe I'll make Vice President by 28
I: Making AVP is so last year. I know a guy my age who made Vice President this year.

                                                              Cheers to the frickin' bank

Month 5: The bank buys me a German sedan for my "official bank use"

Me: "Beema, benz or bentley"
Myself: Winning! (African Banker 1, American Banker 0)
I: However, I would much rather prefer a Range Rover

Month 6: I move into a "nice" apartment

Me: It just doesn't get any better, a really "nice" apartment for a bachelor
Myself: Now all we need is appropriate furniture
I: This is not the penthouse suite

Month 7: Weekend trip to Italy for a friends wedding

Me: I would hate me too
Myself: Straight up Ballers Anonymous
I: But Kanye does this every month

                                     What do you think I bank for? To drive a **@** RAV 4?

Month 8: Selected to host my clients at a World Cup match

Me: Damn it feels good to be a banker- paid to go watch sports!
Myself: Why did they book me in the courtyard lodge? Was the Radisson Blue unavailable?
I: Flying business class isn't the same anymore...Net Jets anyone?

Month 9: Itchy feet

Me: I am not feeling challenged in this role
Myself: I am doing VP work for AVP pay
I: When is this **@** financial crisis going to be over? I want to relocate to NYC

Month 12: Life is so unfair

Me: I don't feel appreciated
Myself: I need a hug
I: Cry me a river

Month 14: A routine trip to Zanzibar

Me: Perhaps the only perk of this job is my once a quarter 3 day 'business' trip to see my 1 client in Zanzibar
Myself: These luxury beach resorts are a true home away from home
I: I wonder if the bank has an office in Fiji?

                                                       Pinstripes and Pina coladas

Month 18: Seriously itchy feet

Me: I am so bored of this sh*t
Myself: I feel I need a stretch assignment
I: You need to not be in Africa

Month 21: Internal transfer approved

Me: How exciting! I get to start a new business unit
Myself: Finally I am going back to the money tribe
I: Like..................whatever

                                        ___________________ End____________________

Next week: Act 1: Scene 5 (I haven't figured out the title yet...)

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Love in the time of banking- Part 1: Miss Crimson

“Luck in business like luck in love, is a game of numbers”- Anonymous

Bankers love numbers and I loved bankers. One too many investment banking internship interview questions had taught me to self-identity as a "quant."

Definition: Quant- short for 'quantitative': someone possessing a natural affinity for numbers.
Example: It doesn't take a quant to figure out that bankers make bank.

As a freshman in college with one eye fixed on wall street and the other on the Wall Street Journal, romance was an unwanted distraction from the ultimate goal of securing the apple of my eye: an offer letter from a  bulge bracket investment bank. So it was rather unexpected when cupid struck me in the most un-banker like of locations- a greyhound bus.

what I traveled in vs. what I imagined I should be travelling in 

This is my story of love told in numbers:
212: Distance measured in miles from New York City Bus Terminal to Boston Copley Square Bus Stop
33: Outside temperature measured in degrees Fahrenheit
6: Layers of clothing I was wearing (which included a suitable leather jacket and several other layers not worth mentioning)

3: Number of thermal underwear I wore by October of my freshman year. (Mental note: Winter is coming already here)
1: First winter of my life
0: Amount of tolerance Africans have for American winter

4: Hours of travel time I planned to spend thumbing through the vision bible
2: Number of empty seats available on the bus
1: Hot black (possibly African) girl who chose to sit next to me

40: Percentage Increase in heart beats per minute once she told me she was a freshman at Harvard College
20: Percentage decrease in heart beats per minute when she identified herself as Nigerian American*
25: Percentage increase in heart beats per minute as she further identified herself as a ‘Pre-Med’ student

*No offence intended to my Nigerian and Nigerian American friends. As they say: “no wahala dey”

What all pre-med female students could eventually evolve to:  Claire Huxtable  

7: Figure income of a D.I.N.K** power couple (Investment Banker and Doctor Miss Crimson***)
3: Number of awkward smiles flashed as I did the math on the strategic nature of such a possible union
2: Times I thanked God that she chose to sit next to me on the bus

Definition of terms
** D.I.N.K: Double Income No Kids- this is the supreme state of co-habitation in Manhattan
*** Crimson: Patent number US126778987 (i just made that up) covering the unique crimson color of the Harvard College emblem
*** Miss Crimson: A suitable specimen species of the Harvard College universe

30: Minutes Dr. Miss Crimson napped on the bus journey to Boston
30: Minutes I watched Dr. Miss Crimson nap on the bus journey to Boston
30: Cringe worthy points as I remember doing the aforementioned

10: Digits in an American phone number (virtually impossible to memorize)
6: Number of times I envisioned our future marriage on the bus ride
3: Number of days hours I waited to call and ask for a date after disembarking from the bus

8: Number of friends I informed of my upcoming date with Dr. Miss Crimson
3: Hours spent in downtown Boston picking the perfect smart casual look for the date
2: Gifts my friends (wrongly) advised me to bring to the date

28: Minutes of commuting time from my college dorm to Harvard square for the date
25: Number of students in my freshman class who were secretly trying to transfer to Harvard College before sophomore year
20: US dollar budget per head I could seriously afford for the date

100: US dollars I carried with me for the date in the earliest example of bankers who spend beyond their means
60: Minutes I arrived earlier than necessary to ‘scope’ out the territory and plan the pseudo spontaneous nature of the date that I would pretend to display
3: Restaurants in Harvard Square which seemed romantic but spontaneous in my naive opinion (namely: Au Bon Pain, Fire & Ice and Bertucci's)

9: Times spent changing the exact posture to assume when she walked towards me
3: Kisses on cheeks (like my euro fashion style)
1: Awkward look on her face when I presented her with a box of chocolates and a dozen roses

3: Hours automatically cut off from time Dr Miss Crimson had budgeted for our date once she received my surprise gift set
2: Minutes spent deliberating my limited choice of ‘spontaneous’ restaurant suggestions
1: Hour which the date lasted from the 3 kisses to the 1 and only goodbye

20: Minutes I spent describing my passion to become an investment banker
10: Minutes of awkwardness after Miss Crimson remarked that my passion was pretty shallow
2: Minutes Miss Crimson spent describing her motivation to become a doctor

55: US dollar total cost of dinner
45: US dollars saved when she declined my offer to get dessert
35: Temperature outside in degrees Fahrenheit as I walked Miss Crimson back to her dorm gate

78: Number of female applicants accepted into Harvard Medical School in August 2005
77: Other female pre-med students I could potentially date
Priceless: Lesson learned that an investment banker and an idealist should never date

                                       ____________ The End____________

Next week: Act 1: Scene 4: Boredom in Babylon

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Act 1: Scene 3 - Things fall apart

"Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together"

- Marilyn Monroe

My relocation to the tropical west African country was the beginning of reality and the end of the romance. All great love is said to be destined for a tragic ending and so it was with my affair with banking. I suppose one could say that we were an unlikely couple.

The years that followed set the tone for my seven stages of grief.

Shock and disbelief:

Sub-prime. Financial crisis. Government takeover. It all happened so fast, one minute I was expensing meals at the toniest restaurants across Africa and now I was cutting coupons. Former masters of the universe were now super civil servants. Bankers were being tossed overboard by the thousands, BMW dealerships turned into ghost towns and the world as I knew it was upside down. Champagne for the pain. Banking was a dirty word.  


I refused to believe that the affair was over and pursued banking like a jealous lover. Surely it would all be resolved soon and perhaps this was all a bad dream. My immediate manager seemed to think so too. In a period of 24 hours he informed me that there would be no salary increase for anyone and then he left the office to purchase a Mercedes Benz limousine for his official bank use.


I was incensed. I felt robbed of my rightful inheritance. The era of six figure bonuses had come to an end and I had barely had a spoonful of the great syrup. I felt that banking wasn't worthy of my love.

I am ashamed to admit that I considered betrothing myself to the arch enemy: management consulting.

Thankfully I found solace in the words of fellow banking brothers as encapsulated in the below video call-to-arms which was issued at the height of the financial crisis when dark clouds gathered and it appeared that bankers had lost the war on talent:


I was ready to compromise, I wouldn't let banking leave me so easily. I considered all options. Perhaps I would find a way to 'leverage' my emerging market experience and negotiate a transfer to London. Surely, I figured, they would appreciate acquiring my talent at a discount.

I overestimated my buy two-for-the-price-of-one African appeal.

So I begun to consider closer options, that was until one local competitor gave me a job offer with a salary discount and mandatory Saturday morning work hours. I should have known better than to attempt to dilute my brand name experience.  


It was all my fault. Like an over excited lover, I had  given too much, too soon. Perhaps I had been too keen, too willing to compromise. I should never have left America and entered into the arms of African banking. I was too young, too over paid and too ambitious. Now everything was uncertain. My own mother questioned the sanity of my decision to remain in the crucible of crisis. Shopping trips to London seemed unwise in this climate of uncertainty. There would be no further pinstripe suits and monogrammed shirts. I cancelled my sartorial subscriptions. I was a lion stripped of dignity, it made no sense to roar.


'Winter is coming'

The summer of my youthful exuberance was over. Reality set in. I wouldn't become CEO of the bank before I turned 30 years old.  I hid my business cards and avoided rotary club. I didn't poke back my facebook pokes. I couldn't face the world anymore. Falling in love with banking at 16 years old now seemed tragic. Like a teenage bride, my time had come too soon. My 'type A' personality trait had led me down this dark path of hope and despair. What was it all worth?


The crown prince accepted that he would never make it to Kings Landing. This game of thrones was rigged. I accepted my fate as yet another African banker with my Toyota, puppy dog and single mortgage.  Perhaps I would find a way to move into this curious new paradise called Private Equity that bankers were beginning to whisper about.

Just when it seemed all was lost, the glorious summer of my discontent emerged. I got wind of a transfer back to my home country to take on a regional role. The young lion would roar once more. Damn, it felt good to be a banker.

Next week Wednesday: Flashback forward Love in the time of Banking: Miss Crimson